Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rendered Inoperable

Dear Dr. Stewart;

I am so excited! I am writing this in the bathroom again, I am putting off my bath in my urgency to write you about the latest incident!

I'm assuming that you know what I'm referring to, I'm just assuming that you got my letter at all!  They might not have wanted you to see it.
So I'll quickly allude to it:

I was putting on my grey sweat pants after my bath and i noticed a pink paper clip clipped to the tag.  I had NO memory of how it got there or WHY or by WHOM and if you'll remember, I suspected a conspiracy of watchers.

(recently i have been pondering the idea that we are just an original prototype of  "Robot" created by ? and that we will soon be replaced by newer models.  or has that always been happening?!)

So I slept with the paper clip on and in the morning, in the bathroom, there on the counter was a new one!  It was pink too.
In a semi trance I picked up the clip, all the while thinking of you, Doctor, and I bent it out beyond all recognition.  It looked like a pink piece of wire.  I smiled demonically ( i was looking in the mirror) thinking about Their camera or microphone or tracking device or whatever it was rendered completely inoperable.  Ha Ha!

So I left it there and waited to see what would become of it.  I have been watching it continuously for 4 hours, but i may take a break soon.

Let me know your thoughts Doctor, I am sorely seeking release from this mystery.


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