Saturday, May 5, 2012

Family Reunion

We had a family reunion and everybody came.

The old house still looks the same, although it seems smaller and more haunted than it used to.

Our cousin Gladys of course had to sing first thing, she always had the opinion that a song will start a gathering out just right.

Usually she sings "I'm Hurting Momma, Take Me Home To Jesus".

It's inspiring.

 I always felt like the odd one out, like I somehow did not belong in this family of extroverts and show-offs.

I felt like I was looking through a window wanting to join someone else's perfect life.

But you only had to look at little Auntie Ann and her stubby arms to know that we really were related.

So what did we do at the reunion?  We had lots of food and games; we all spent some time together and apart looking up at Grandma's old window, boarded up since the accident.  We all remembered her leaning out the window and shrieking to the trees.  

It's funny how memories can sneak up on you.

Uncle Johnny was as wierd as ever, but I can't say I don't still love him!  We were engaged to be married that one year, but everyone knows how that turned out.

 We were all sad to leave the old house that evening.   It felt like that even if we did have another family reunion, nothing would be the same.  The light, the house, the trees or us.

Nothing stays the same, does it?


dedicated to my family

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