Friday, March 2, 2012


Whew, this hill is getting really steep.

I mean, I'm getting really out of breath!


I feel kind of sick, my head hurts.

Can we rest?


There's a rock right here.

Right here, I'm sitting down I don't care.

I mean it doesn't have to be a race does it?

Do we have a deadline or something?

Oh, I get it.  That was kind of funny.

But I'm not going to spend the REST OF MY LIFE climbing this hill, will I? I'm never going to get there, anywhere who cares anyway?


Well smarty,  maybe I'll just stay here by this rock and that ugly tree and the....whatever that is. I'm tired of traveling! I've been moving all my life! I know, I'll build a hut! I'll make a garden! I'll set up shop right here! THIS WILL BE MY HOME

(but there's that wierd wet spot and it's chilly, really getting cold and kind's too bright and my eyes hurt and my ass you really want to stay in this place this is not your home keep going you can do it)

But I don't want to! I feel bad enough right now, maybe if I stop I'll feel better.  I can't do it anymore.


Do you think there's a view from up there?

Will it be beautiful? Will it make me happy?

Say something!


Let's go.

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